copy: 用游標選取要複製的文字

paste: 滑鼠的中間鍵 or 使用 Shift + Ins

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這是因為有些 Verilog module 並沒有指定 timescale. 可以在 ncelab 指令中加入 -timescale 1ns/10ps 來指定預設的timescale, 或是在所有 Verilog module 前都指定 timescale.

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X config --> 

Copy and Paste, and X Selection -->

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make -n

Displays commands, but does not run them. However, lines beginning with a + (plus sign) are executed.

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在run ncvlog simulation時出現以下錯誤訊息:

ncvlog: *W,UNBINS: Unbound instance found: OOOXXXYYYZZZ

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Visual Studio出現以下warning 

Message: 'This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE. See online help for details.'

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bad interpreter: No such file or directory


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1. 首先將要畫的圖畫出來 (此時只有一個y軸)

2. 在想放在另一y軸的資料曲線上按右鍵, 選擇 資料數列格式

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Type Name Bytes Other Names Range of Values



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