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2020-04-06 [Design Compiler] "hdl-193" warning: cannot find the design 'XXX' in the library 'work'. (lbr-1) (1525) (0)
2018-05-21 [Vi] 游標跳至列首 (move cursor to beginning of the line) (3) (0)
2017-12-29 [Vivado] How to change firmware ROM by modifying bitstream (updateMem) (1078) (0)
2017-10-24 [linux] connect to another server with local display (連到另一台主機, 同時把Display參數帶過去) (34) (0)
2017-07-12 [MATLAB] Pass float/char type data to a C MEX function (24) (0)
2017-07-12 [MATLAB] MTIMES is not fully supported for integer classes (265) (0)
2017-02-15 [Linux] How to copy several specific files to one directory (複製多個特定檔案到別的資料夾) (11) (0)
2016-08-23 [linux] search keyword in files (22) (0)
2016-08-09 [vi] 統計string出現次數 (count string in vi) (342) (0)
2016-04-29 [EDA] ERROR:Portability:3 - This Xilinx application has run out of memory (40) (1)
2016-02-24 [Excel] 如何跳到特定的列並選取? (How to jump/select to specific row in excel?) (351) (0)
2015-12-10 MATLAB find 使用 (87) (0)
2015-09-17 [MATLAB] print character ' (40) (0)
2015-08-12 [gcc for windows] MinGW的make指令 (493) (0)
2015-04-08 [MATLAB] Set random seed for randsrc (166) (0)
2015-04-02 [MATLAB] Warning: You are using gcc version '4.x.x'. The version of gcc is not supported. (131) (0)
2014-10-18 [Windows] Chrome 瀏覽器的標籤 / 選單上的中文字變成方格 (857) (1)
2014-07-09 Copy all to clipboard (16) (0)
2014-07-09 How to merge all text fils in any directory to one single file? (8) (0)
2014-05-21 vi 常用指令 (15) (0)
2014-03-10 [Debussy] Show signal values in nTrace (在 nTrace 視窗顯示 signal value) (191) (0)
2014-03-03 tar gzip 壓縮/解壓縮指令 (11979) (0)
2014-02-13 [Verilog] Multicycle path setting in Design Compiler (846) (0)
2014-02-07 [Matlab] Comment multiple lines (24) (2)
2014-01-22 [Linux] mksh: Fatal error: Cannot load command `./abc': Bad file number (81) (0)
2013-11-26 Auto list possible selections in Linux (11) (0)
2013-11-14 CVS Commands (58) (0)
2013-10-18 vi 常用指令 (52) (0)
2013-08-13 How to execute multiple commands in one line on command line mode (62) (0)
2013-07-31 [Windows / MS-DOS] How to use .bat to call another bat? (34) (0)
2013-05-30 解開 pdf 的列印權限 (968) (0)
2012-12-11 快速複製一資料夾的的所有檔案的檔名成文字 (549) (0)
2012-11-29 Visual C++ error C2440 (312) (0)
2012-10-23 unsigned long 在 printf 時的 specifier (12) (0)
2012-10-11 Online hex to binary converter (81) (0)
2012-09-13 cvs update output message (34) (0)
2012-09-07 gcc compile error (151) (0)
2012-08-29 ls directories only (5) (0)
2012-08-23 vi cut / copy / paste commands (35) (0)
2012-08-23 vi : delete/move using marker (15) (0)
2012-08-21 Linux 如何比較兩個資料夾內的所有檔案 (Linux command to compare all files in two directories) (13887) (2)
2012-08-21 vi 如何複製部分a檔案內容至b檔案 (copy part of file a to file b) (241) (0)
2012-08-21 vi 的顯示行數與隱藏行數 (17685) (0)
2012-08-20 如何將剪貼簿的資料用vi貼上到某個檔案 (paste from clipboard to vi) (230) (0)
2012-08-17 在 Visual Studio 下如何使用 erfc() (93) (0)
2012-08-14 vi/vim delete commands (56) (0)
2012-07-30 vi 如何全部取代 (search and replace all) (2609) (0)
2012-06-15 ncvlog: pre-post-assignment operator: Use -sv switch to enable this SystemVerilog construct. 錯誤的解法 (419) (0)
2012-06-15 NCVerilog 錯誤訊息 Illegal operand for constant expression [4(IEEE)] 的解法 (4582) (0)
2012-06-07 Notepad++ 如何跳到指定的那一行? (2696) (0)
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