? what? It's not a file in CVS. CVS knows nothing about this file
A Added This is a file you just added to CVS but not yet committed. You have to commit it before others can see it.
C Conflicted A Conflict occurred when you did CVS update. The conflicted lines are marked with special characters and you need to manually resolve the conflicts.
M Modified You have modified this file. It's different from what's in CVS and you need to commit (check in) the file to persist your changes in CVS
P Patched This file was patched when you did CVS update. The effect is the same as U (update), but the changes were so small that CVS decided to send a patch (P) instead of a whole file (U).
U Updated This file was updated when you ran CVS update. It could be a file that already existed on the local drive, or a new file brought down from the CVS repository.
R Removed You asked CVS to remove this file but you haven't committed the removal.

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    My Humble House

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