目前分類:未分類文章 (33)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

0 : jump to beginning of current line


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Our situation

1.  use Vivado 2017 for whole flow

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use mxGetData


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Error Message:

Error using  * 

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cp -t /home/myid/dst/ file1 file2 file3 ...

file1 file2 file3 ... will be copied to the directory /home/myid/dst/

可以先指定好目的資料夾,再在原始資料夾中用 auto complete 一個一個把要複製的檔案加上去.

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grep KEYWORD *.log



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To jump to 18th row (跳到第18列):

Step 1.  click F5

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min(find(A == -1)) can be replaced by find(A == -1, 1)


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To print Single quotation mark (')

use ''

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列印, 複製的限制都可以解開.

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dir /b > filelist.txt

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Problematic code:

int *A;

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erfc() erf() 這些 function 並沒有定義在 VS 的 cmath 中


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把 for (i=0; i<10; i++) 改成  for (i=0; i<10; i=i+1


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Ctrl G

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copy: 用游標選取要複製的文字

paste: 滑鼠的中間鍵 or 使用 Shift + Ins

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