目前分類:未分類文章 (33)

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2018-05-21 [Vi] 游標跳至列首 (move cursor to beginning of the line) (3) (0)
2017-12-29 [Vivado] How to change firmware ROM by modifying bitstream (updateMem) (1078) (0)
2017-07-12 [MATLAB] Pass float/char type data to a C MEX function (24) (0)
2017-07-12 [MATLAB] MTIMES is not fully supported for integer classes (265) (0)
2017-02-15 [Linux] How to copy several specific files to one directory (複製多個特定檔案到別的資料夾) (11) (0)
2016-08-23 [linux] search keyword in files (22) (0)
2016-08-09 [vi] 統計string出現次數 (count string in vi) (342) (0)
2016-02-24 [Excel] 如何跳到特定的列並選取? (How to jump/select to specific row in excel?) (351) (0)
2015-12-10 MATLAB find 使用 (87) (0)
2015-09-17 [MATLAB] print character ' (40) (0)
2015-08-12 [gcc for windows] MinGW的make指令 (493) (0)
2013-05-30 解開 pdf 的列印權限 (968) (0)
2012-12-11 快速複製一資料夾的的所有檔案的檔名成文字 (549) (0)
2012-11-29 Visual C++ error C2440 (312) (0)
2012-10-23 unsigned long 在 printf 時的 specifier (12) (0)
2012-10-11 Online hex to binary converter (81) (0)
2012-08-17 在 Visual Studio 下如何使用 erfc() (93) (0)
2012-06-15 ncvlog: pre-post-assignment operator: Use -sv switch to enable this SystemVerilog construct. 錯誤的解法 (419) (0)
2012-06-07 Notepad++ 如何跳到指定的那一行? (2696) (0)
2012-02-20 Xterm 的 copy / paste (694) (0)
2012-01-02 Windows 和 Exceed (X window) 之間的 copy / paste (416) (0)
2011-12-16 ncvlog: *E,UNBERR: (1) unbound instance(s). 的解決方法 (237) (0)
2011-10-20 關掉VC的安全性warning (285) (0)
2011-10-17 bad interpreter: No such file or directory (266) (0)
2011-08-16 Excel 2007 如何畫出有兩個y軸的圖 (兩個y座標軸) (66554) (1)
2011-08-08 Parameters used in printf and scanf (26) (0)
2011-08-08 Data range of short, int, long, double (signed / unsigned) (180) (0)
2010-12-23 Syntax error: Bad fd number 的解決方法 (1473) (0)
2009-07-08 [pdf to word] pdf轉word的工具 (305) (0)
2009-06-19 VMware在遠端桌面(RDP)下輸入Ctrl + Alt + Del (928) (0)
2009-06-14 Windows XP 資料夾->內容 裡面的[安全性]索引標籤不見了!? (3484) (0)
2009-04-20 來自香港的 Thomas Wong "教授", 脾氣簡直和巴士大叔一樣好!! (936) (1)
2009-01-12 漢語拼音 (60) (1)